Subject Information
The specification for junior cycle science focuses on the development of students' knowledge of and about science through the unifying strand, Nature of science, and the four contextual strands: Physical world, Chemical world, Biological world, and Earth and space.

Department Members
Ms Barry
Ms Cooney
Mr Flanagan
Ms Coyle
Ms Ryan
Mr Hynes
Mr Larkin
Ms D Smith
Mr Tynan
Miss O Keeffe
Agricultural Science
Agricultural science is the study of the science and technology underlying the principles and practices of agriculture. Plants and animal types associated with agriculture are studied, and investigations are undertaken into such aspects as soil, ecology, plant and animal physiology, farm crops, farming practices, genetics and microbiology.
Why Study Agricultural Science?
Agricultural Science remains a very popular subject among students in Ireland and reflects our agricultural background. This subject proves popular among students who are planning to study Veterinary Science, Science or Medicine in college.
What kind of Student would Agricultural Science suit?
Some experience of farming would be desirable.
Subject Group: Science
These subjects demonstrate how to explore nature using carefully planned methods, and teach the basic methods and findings of scientific investigation.
Career Sectors
This subject builds skills and knowledge that are particularly useful for careers in the following Career Sectors:
Farming, Horticulture & Forestry
Animals & Veterinary Science
Earth & Environment
Food & Beverages
Biology is the study of life. Through the study of biology students employ the processes of science to explore the diversity of life and the inter-relationships between organisms and their environment. They become more aware of the use of living organisms and their products to enhance human health and the environment.
Why Study Biology
Biology is a popular subject and is the study of life. It requires a lot of memory work so is a good choice for students with attention to detail and excellent memory work.
Many courses require at least one science subject and some even require two (see third level entry requirements). Therefore, it is a good idea to have at least one science subject to keep your options open.
Those considering medicine, nursing and related courses will find that this subject will be of huge benefit in their studies.
What kind of student would Biology suit?
Students who enjoyed science for Junior Cert might wish to consider studying biology at Senior Cycle. The course is a continuation of what was studied at Junior Cycle but in more detail. It is particularly suited to students who have scored highly in the Naturalist and Investigative areas in their interest test.
It is recommended that a student taking Leaving Certificate Biology has a good understanding of Junior Science at Higher level.
Each student must have an aptitude and interest for laboratory work.
A considerable amount of learning and study is necessary to do well in this subject
Subject Group: Science
These subjects demonstrate how to explore nature using carefully planned methods, and teach the basic methods and findings of scientific investigation.
Career Sectors
This subject builds skills and knowledge that are particularly useful for careers in the following Career Sectors:
Animals & Veterinary Science
Farming, Horticulture & Forestry
Food & Beverages
Maritime, Fishing & Aquaculture
Biological, Chemical & Pharmaceutical Science
Earth & Environment
Physics, Mathematics & Space Science
Leisure, Sport & Fitness
Psychology & Social Care
Chemistry exists everywhere, not just in laboratories, but in every living thing on land and sea and in our bodies. Chemistry is often described as 'the central science' containing a lot of formulas. So, if you enjoyed Junior Cert Science and have done well in it, and in Maths, you should be a good candidate for Leaving Cert Chemistry.
Why Study Chemistry
This subject aims to provide a relevant course for students who will complete their study of chemistry at this level while, at the same time, providing a foundation course for those who will continue to study chemistry or related subjects following completion of their Leaving Certificate. Chemistry is considered most useful for careers in Pharmacy, Ag Science, Medicine, Engineering, General Sciences and Biotechnology.
What kind of student would Chemistry suit?
If you enjoyed Junior Cert Science and you have done well in this and in Maths, you should be a good candidate for Leaving Cert Chemistry.
If you apply attention to detail and are able to describe the procedures of experiments and understand vocabulary.
Students considering a career in any scientific discipline, such as chemistry, biology, environmental science, medicine, pharmacology, or material science.
It is recommended that a student undertaking the chemistry course has a good understanding of Junior Cert Science at Higher level.
Each student should have an aptitude for and an interest in laboratory work.
A student would be expected to have a reasonable level of Junior Cert Maths, either at Higher or Ordinary level.
Subject Group: Science
These subjects demonstrate how to explore nature using carefully planned methods, and teach the basic methods and findings of scientific investigation.
Career Sectors
This subject builds skills and knowledge that are particularly useful for careers in the following Career Sectors:
Animals & Veterinary Science
Farming, Horticulture & Forestry
Food & Beverages
Maritime, Fishing & Aquaculture
Biological, Chemical & Pharmaceutical Science
Biomedical Technologies & Medtech
Physics, Mathematics & Space Science
Fashion & Beauty
Physics describes the laws and forces that govern natural phenomena. The subject aims to enhance students ability to think logically, to observe, to understand scientific method and to communicate effectively. It offers a general education in physics for all students. Science, Technology and Society (STS) is an integral part of the syllabus so that students can be aware of the principles of the applications of physics in the everyday world.
Why Study Physics
Physics contributes to a student’s future career in many ways. It helps, in conjunction with the other Leaving Certificate subjects, to provide a broad, balanced education for any student. Physics teaches students to think logically and enables them to express their thoughts in a concise manner. The skills and knowledge developed through their study of physics can be useful in a wide variety of situations.
What kind of student would Physics suit?
Students who wonder why and ask how
Students who are interested in the following careers would be advised to study Physics: Electrician, Optician, Doctor, Dentist, Engineer, Computer Technician and Programmer.
While there is an element of maths in the physics course, honours maths is not a requirement to do honours physics. Students should not avoid physics on the basis of not having honours maths. It is entirely possible to get on well in honours physics without honours maths.
Pupils should become capable at drawing and reading graphs and competent in using a calculator through the course.
The physics syllabus has strong links with the other science subjects, especially chemistry. There are strands of physics which overlap with woodwork and construction, especially the electricity and heat sections.
Pupils who will gain the most from studying physics are those who have an interest in science at Junior Cert level and those who enjoy learning about how things work. The science, technology and society section allows students the chance to see where the physics they are learning applies as in TVs, car motors and electricity in the home and also, to see some of the industrial applications of certain topics.
For students who are interested in proceeding further with physics, check out our sector on Physical and Mathematical Sciences, and also the Institute of Physics, which provides information on the range of career options that students can follow after physics at third level.
Subject Group: Science
These subjects demonstrate how to explore nature using carefully planned methods, and teach the basic methods and findings of scientific investigation.
Career Sectors
This subject builds skills and knowledge that are particularly useful for careers in the following Career Sectors:
Farming, Horticulture & Forestry
Biological, Chemical & Pharmaceutical Science
Computers & ICT
Engineering, Manufacturing & Energy
Physics, Mathematics & Space Science
Earth & Environment
Biomedical Technologies & Medtech