Transition Year Programme
Subject Information
The Transition Year (TY) is a one-year programme taken after Junior Cycle and before the two-year Leaving Certificate programme.
It is designed to act as a bridge between the Junior Certificate and Leaving Certificate programmes.
Transition Year is an optional year for students in Virginia College.

Programme Co-Ordinator
Mr. M Duffy
There is no state examination at the end of Transition Year. Assessments are carried out on an ongoing basis and can include school-based assessment of projects or portfolios, oral, aural, practical and written activities.
Evaluation of activities such as work experience or community service will often involve the providers or hosts of such activities.
Some modules may have their own assessment arrangements.
Students in Virginia College study the following subjects in Transition Year:
Music and Drama
Religious Education
Physical Education
Active Leisure Studies
Mini Company
Career Guidance
Road Safety
Public Speaking
Developmental Studies
Art, Crafts and Design
Information Technology
Design and Communication Technology
Construction Studies
Agricultural Science
Various workshops are held annually such as:
Microsoft Office Specialist
First Aid Training
Irish Water Saftey Swimming Course
Mock Interview training
Peer Education Programme
Graduate.ie Programme
Lamh Sign Language Course
Gaeilge, French and Spanish oral prepataion
Road Safety Prgoramme
Drama Workshops
Music Technology Workshops
Dance Workshops
Drumming Workshops
Rap Workshops
Wheel Chair Basketball
‘TY Fit for Life’ programme
Off road biking course
BT Young Scientists
Young Social Innovators
Gaisce President Awards
In Virginia College our tranisition year students complete two, two week work experience blocks during the academic year.
During the tranistion year programme our students participate in a number of trips:
European Ski Trip
Gaeltacht Trip
History Trips
Various educational trips to locations across Ireland
Our transition year students have a proud history of running a number of charitable events such as Christmas markets, bake sales and the shoe box appeal and has raised a lot of funds for Irish charities over the years.
Our transition year students hard work and dedication is recognised at an award ceremony held annually in May.